Institutional Effectiveness Performance Report
South Plains College has made a significant commitment to accountability and quality with the adoption of a comprehensive institutional effectiveness program. This planning and assessment process is based on the successful accomplishment of the College's vision and mission within the context of an institutional plan and as measured by student outcomes.
SPC measures its performance through an outcome-based assessment process. The College has identified six factors that are critical to its success as an institution of higher learning. Through these Critical Success Factors, SPC maintains a comprehensive evaluation system that measures the extent to which institutional goals and objectives are accomplished. These Critical Success Factors include the following.
Dynamic Educational Programs and Quality Instruction
Student Outcomes
Quality Student and Support Services
Economic Development and Community Engagement
Effective Leadership and Management
Collaborative Organizational Climate
To monitor progress and achievement in each of these areas, the College has identified 25 indicators of institutional effectiveness. Benchmarks (standards) have been developed for each of these measures. The results of performance are compared against these benchmarks and indicate how well the college has achieved its stated goals and objectives. The achievement of the identified Critical Success Factors is positive proof of the college's effectiveness.