Institutional Effectiveness
South Plains College has made a significant commitment to accountability and quality
with the adoption of a comprehensive institutional effectiveness program. This planning
and assessment process is based on successful accomplishments of the college's vision
and mission within the context of an institutional plan and as measured by student
To ensure effectiveness, South Plains College has embraced a process of continuous
organizational improvement designed to improve the way the work of the institution
is done and to accomplish the goals and objectives of the institution. The college
has established a three-year strategic planning cycle that sets institutional goals
based on a review of the college's vision, mission, role and scope, and commitment
statements. Each goal is reached through a set of priority objectives. These goals
and objectives formulate the college's Institutional Plan and provide the framework for the development of operational objectives on departmental
and program levels.
A companion assessment process measures the extent to which institutional goals and
objectives are accomplished. The college has identified these measures as critical
success factors and indicators of effectiveness which map the college's performance
against high standards. The college uses this process to monitor its plan and make
necessary adjustments in programs and services. The annual results of assessment are
presented in the Institutional Effectiveness Performance Report.