Criminal Justice

This curriculum is designed to prepare a student for academic transfer to a university where requirements for a baccalaureate degree in criminal justice or corrections may be completed.  This curriculum meets all requirements for the Associate of Arts degree.

Students should consult the law enforcement advisor in planning a course of study that will transfer.  Students seeking job entry skills or continuing education short courses should look at the Law Enforcement Technology or Continuing Education websites.  Students seeking to take the state liscensure examination for law enforcement agencies should refer to the Law Enforcement Technology curriculum. 

Texas licensed peace officers, correctional officers, and jailer may receive credit for the following courses upon completion of all other degree requirements: CJLE 1172 and CJLE 1211.

Program advisor is Kenny Burns, associate professor of law enforcement technology.


Tuition Exemption for Peace Officers

This program may provide an exemption from some tuition and laboratory fees to eligible persons employed as a Peace Officer by the state of Texas or by a political subdivision of Texas.


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