ASTR 1403 - Stars and Galaxies

(4:3:3)  Study of stars, galaxies, and the universe outside our solar system. Semester Hours: 4 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 3


ASTR 1404 - Solar System

 (4:3:3)  Study of the sun and its solar system, including its origin. Semester Hours: 4 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 3


PHYS 1315 - Introduction to Basic Science

(3:3:0) This is a basic non-laboratory survey course serving to introduce and integrate the fundamental concepts of chemistry, physics, geology, and biology. Semester Hours: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0


PHYS 1401 - General Physics I

 (4:3:3)  Fundamental principles of physics, using algebra and trigonometry; the principles and applications of classical mechanics and thermodynamics, including harmonic motion, mechanical waves and sound, physical systems, Newton’s Laws of Motion, and gravitation and other fundamental forces; with emphasis on problem solving.  Semester Hours: 4 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 3 Pre-requisite: MATH 1316 or consent of instructor. Note: This course satisfies a 030 Life and Physical Sciences Core Curriculum requirement.


PHYS 1402 - General Physics II

 (4:3:3) Fundamental principles of physics, using algebra and trigonometry; the principles and applications of electricity and magnetism, including circuits, electrostatics, electromagnetism, waves, sound, light, optics, and modern physics topics; with emphasis on problem solving.   Semester Hours: 4 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 3 Pre-requisite: PHYS 1401. Note: This course satisfies a 030 Life and Physical Sciences Core Curriculum requirement.


PHYS 1410 - Elementary Physics

 (4:3:3) Conceptual level survey of topics in physics intended to acquaint liberal arts and other non-science majors with the basic laws and vocabulary of physics. A minimum level of mathematics is used. Semester Hours: 4 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 3 Note: This course satisfies a 030 Life and Physical Sciences Core Curriculum requirement.


PHYS 2425 - Principles of Physics I

 (4:3:3) Fundamental principles of physics, using calculus, for science, computer science, and engineering majors; the principles and applications of classical mechanics, including harmonic motion, physical systems and thermodynamics; experimental design, data collection and analysis, and preparation of laboratory reports; with emphasis on problem solving.    Semester Hours: 4 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 3 Pre-requisite: MATH 2413. Note: This course satisfies a 030 Life and Physical Sciences Core Curriculum requirement.


PHYS 2426 - Principles of Physics II

 (4:3:3)  Fundamental principles of physics, using calculus, for science, computer science, and engineering majors; the principles and applications of electricity and magnetism, including circuits, electromagnetism, waves, sound, light, and optics; experimental design, data collection and analysis, and preparation of laboratory reports; with emphasis on problem solving. Semester Hours: 4 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 3 Pre-requisite: PHYS 2425 MATH 2414. Note: This course satisfies a 030 Life and Physical Sciences Core Curriculum requirement.